Bella Trevino

Bella's Room was the dream of Veteran's Memorial High School Senior, Bella Trevino. As a freshman student, Bella struggled with cyberbullying, which created panic attacks and anxiety. Bella had difficulty staying in class and would often visit the counselor's office.  The anxiety was overwhelming and she found it difficult to cope at school. With little tools available at school, Bella would often leave to deal with her panic attacks at home. During her freshman year, Bella started to lose ground and her grades started slipping.

 By her Sophomore year in 2019,  Bella had worked to overcome her anxiety and depression and was on the path to finding her way through performing in Theatre Arts. She was back on track once again and began to thrive academically.  Then Covid hit. With the onset of the pandemic, Bella, like many students, once again struggled with depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. 

 When in-person instruction began in 2021, Bella was thriving both academically and personally. But her experience had made her more aware of the importance of mental health accessibility.

 In October of 2021, Bella was helping in the counselor's office during her OPEX class, when a freshman student came in experiencing a panic attack. All the emotions of Bella's freshman year came flooding back. While looking for a conference room to use for the student's panic attack, Bella contacted her mother, to see what else could be done to help students dealing with a mental health crisis.

"Something has to be done for students, mom." A simple text, pleading for help. "Simple things mom. Like privacy, low lighting, lotions, stress toys. ANYTHING." "Mom, can we help them?"

 The response? "Yes. Let's call the principal as soon as I pick you up."

Within hours Bella had spoken with VMHS Principal Scott Walker, requesting space for students dealing with mental health issues at school. Mr. Walker was on board immediately and found a room within days of the conversation.

 Soon Assistant Principal Tamara Ritchie and Counselor Sarah Baumgartner were working with Bella on making the room a mental resource center for students in crisis. 

Within weeks school administrators, school staff, counselors, and community leaders like Bel Furniture and HEB  were working with Bella to create her vision. 

Today the room is a safe haven for students struggling with mental health issues at school. No longer taking time from the school day to recover from a panic attack, anxiety, depression, etc., students are now able to return to class within a short amount of time. 

Bella's Room is a gift from a student to her fellow classmates. Bella's hope is that all that enter her room feel safe, valued, and respected.

Scott Walker

 Principal VMHS

VMHS Proclamation 

City of Corpus Christi, Texas


WHEREAS, Veterans Memorial High School Principal Scott walker and counselor staff, Tamara Ritchie, Sarah Baumgartner, and senior student Bella Trevino are working to improve the mental health and improve the development of students in high school, Texas; and


WHEREAS, Veterans Memorial High School Administration, staff, and students are dedicated to building better futures for students in our district and surrounding communities by providing a space and resources to focus on their mental health; and


WHEREAS, programs like the VMHS calming room and resources that support mental health for all high school students are crucial to their futures; and


WHEREAS, all students and their families across the country and in the Coastal Bend deserve access to mental health resources, support, and care not only at home but in school as well; and


WHEREAS, providing access to mental health resources that might not be available at home, will support students dealing with crises, and


WHEREAS, offering access at the moment of crisis will help students return to class without having to leave school which impacts their education, and


WHEREAS, students who suffer from mental health issues deserve a space to re-center themselves, and learn crucial self-care that will help them for the rest of their lives.


NOW, THEREFORE, I, Paulette Guajardo, Mayor of the City of Corpus Christi, do hereby proclaim the third week in May, as Veteran Memorial High School’s


Teen Mental Health Awareness Week


in the City of Corpus Christi and encourage all citizens to work to make an investment in Teen Mental Health in Corpus Christi and surrounding areas.


PROCLAIMED this 24th day of May 2022.



May 14-20, 2023

May 12-18, 2024

May 11-17, 2025

May 10-16, 2026

May 16-22, 2027